The Fitness Cluster by Parcourse - Series 1
6673 Owens Drive, Плезантон, Калифорния 94588, США
Скамья для упражнений пресса
Ring Station
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Все цены указаны в том числе определенных юридически налог с продаж, плюс стоимость доставки. Ошибки и пропуски исключены.
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3 Комментарии
Calisthenics Parks говорит 1 год до
Do you have some infos, that they removed it?
Zosimos Moriarty говорит 1 год до
All the Fitness Cluster by parcourse series 1 through series 4 are no longer at the location in Pleasanton California I specified in the apps.The map need to be updated and these work out areas need to be removed
Zosimos Moriarty говорит 1 год до
This outdoor equipment is also not there verified on January 24th 2024