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Орора (IL) - уличных спорт площадка - Mc Cleery Elementary School
McCleery Elementary School, West Illinois Avenue, Орора, Kane County, Иллинойс, 60506, США
Рукоход двухуровневый
Low Bars / Push Up Bars
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Подвеска Обучение
Ninja Warrior
Полюс танцы
Formation fonctionnelle
Bootcamp Workout
бег с препятствиями
Индивидуальная тренировка
Street Lifting
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1 Комментарий
Franco Natale говорит 6 лет до
Visited this park for the first time last night. I’ve got to say usually in any scenario the real thing is either not as good as the picture, or just as good as the picture. This park blew my expectations out of the water an looks even better than the pictures! Definitely going to be training at this park as my main calisthenics park with my squad as soon as it’s starts to warm up here in Illinois! Appreciate this post. let us find more spots I love this app.