Louisville (Kentucky) - Parco Calisthenics - Tom Sawyer Park

Indirizzo 3000 Freys Hill Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40241, Stati Uniti d'America
Barras per trazioni Parallel bar Low bars Abs bench
Calisthenics Outdoor-Fitness Esercizi a corpo libero Sling Training / TRX Formazione Ninja Warrior Functional training Parkour / Freerunning Bootcamp Workout Obstacle Races Allenamento personale

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Tutti i prezzi Compreso la legge deterministica imposta sulle vendite minato, più spese di spedizione. Salvo errori e omissioni.

2 Commenti

Calisthenics Parks Team dice 8 anni prima

Hi John,

thank you very much for your detailled rating. We changed the rating to 1 star.

Good luck there will be some much better places in future to train in your area.

John Scotchmo dice 8 anni prima

Probably the worst workout station I have seen, including in 3rd world countries. I work out there only because this is the only workout station in Louisville and its surrounding counties that I know of. The station is designed for kids and/or people with ultra severe disabilities. It is impossible to do a proper pull up for an adult because the bar is about 6 feet high and not long enough for a good grip. Same can be said about the dip bars - they sit super low, and are crooked. The rest of the stations are pretty useless. You still can work out there if you have a good imagination, otherwise, I could hardly rate it 2 out of 5 stars. If the administration reads this, please consider building a few adult-size pull-up bars. It will cost a fraction of a price from that huge BMX station that is currently under construction. Thanks.

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