Non trovato
District de Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam
Barras per trazioni
Sling Training / TRX
Formazione Ninja Warrior
Parkour / Freerunning
Obstacle Races
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Tutti i prezzi Compreso la legge deterministica imposta sulle vendite minato, più spese di spedizione. Salvo errori e omissioni.
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6 Commenti
Calisthenics Parks dice 1 settimana prima
Can anyone provide the detailled location, we will update the spot then.
Granger dice 1 mese prima
It'a now a pull-up bar between a tree and a fence a little further inland from the lake. Just a few meters away.
Asaf Berko dice 6 anni prima
Been there today around 6:20, equipment wasn't there
Petter Mogenfelt dice 7 anni prima
And gone again at 19. So you have a small window apparently.
Stephen Crozier dice 7 anni prima
It's still there! Though Maybe you didn't get out of bed early enough to see it, as they pack all the equipment away under a tree at 07:15. It comes out again around 17:00 for evening workouts.
Hutch dice 7 anni prima
Doesn't exist anymore as far as I could tell on 4 October 2017.