Medford - Massachusetts - Parco Calisthenics - Woodland Path
Woodland Road, Medford, Massachusetts 02155, Stati Uniti d'America
Barras per trazioni
Low bars
Abs bench
Fascio di equilibrio
Salto scatola
Esercizi a corpo libero
Sling Training / TRX
Formazione Ninja Warrior
Functional training
Parkour / Freerunning
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Allenamento personale
Prossimi eventi
Prodotti consigliati
Tutti i prezzi Compreso la legge deterministica imposta sulle vendite minato, più spese di spedizione. Salvo errori e omissioni.
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2 Commenti
Donamyk dice 9 mesi prima
Searching for Woodland Rd Medford gives the wrong street on google maps. Search for "Flynn Rink" instead.
Permanent_Wheelie dice 1 anno prima
I don't know why this place only got 3 stars, it is excellent! Pull-up bars of varying heights, parallel bars, a horizontal ladder and some other bars, plus it's next to a forest and some lakes.