Ballyfermot, Dublino, Irlanda
Barras per trazioni
Low bars
Abs bench
Esercizi a corpo libero
Sling Training / TRX
Formazione Ninja Warrior
Functional training
Parkour / Freerunning
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Allenamento personale
Prossimi eventi
Prodotti consigliati
Tutti i prezzi Compreso la legge deterministica imposta sulle vendite minato, più spese di spedizione. Salvo errori e omissioni.
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4 Commenti
Loïc Pérennès dice 6 anni prima
It's a 35 minutes bus ride to go there from the city center. The spot has several pull-up and dips bars, some benches and a nice park to run for a warm-up (essential in Dublin's winter). I recommend it!
Jjjj0 dice 6 anni prima
Amazing park would be great if there was one in my city
Calisthenics Parks Team dice 7 anni prima
Hi Yannik,
did you check the whole park? Maybe it´s dismantled actually.
Yannick dice 7 anni prima
Can't find it where it is supposed to be