Oldenburg - Palestra all'Aperto - Hundsmühler Höhe


Indirizzo Tegelkamp 32, 26131 Oldenburg, Germania
Barras per trazioni Abs bench Dip handles
Outdoor-Fitness Esercizi a corpo libero Sling Training / TRX Formazione Ninja Warrior Functional training Bootcamp Workout Obstacle Races Allenamento personale

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6 Commenti

PeterchenSchabernack dice 4 anni prima

Really good spot in my opinion! There are high Pull Up bars available as a monkey ladder, maybe they were added later, I don’t know.
It’s a professionally built park with bars for push ups and rows in all heights, many core stations which is nice and beautiful atmosphere surrounded by trees!
Highly recommend checking it out, don‘t see why the rating would only be 1 star!

Ola F dice 4 anni prima

Hey, meanwhile there are some monkeybars and with them also high pullup bars. Also they added a space with padded ground for excercising. I would say it needs a better rating than one star.

Calisthenics Parks Team dice 8 anni prima

Yes thats the reason why it´s rated with one star. It´s an emergency spot, because there isn´t much better around. But great you write about it, because maybe the local government see this and maybe act by building a better outdoor fitness park.

Gedusu dice 8 anni prima

Hi, very cool that you have found this post. I checked this spot and already did some workouts there. I'd say it's not bad for regular exercises but there are some things missing like you already said, higher pull up bars or a good possibility for dips (even though you still can do some dips there). Nevertheless, I like to train there because of the atmosphere and I don't think that there is a better spot in Oldenburg.

Calisthenics Parks Team dice 9 anni prima

Hi Gedusu,

yes we discovered this one a while ago.

Hope it will work for you, because there are no really high pull up bars. It would be cool if you leave a feedback, when you checked the spot.


Calisthenics Parks Team

Gedusu dice 9 anni prima

Thanks for sharing this. Searched for a calisthenics park a long time in Oldenburg. Will check this spot out asap.

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