Aliso Viejo - Parc Street Workout - Canyon View Park
46 Silkwood, Aliso Viejo, Californie 92656, États-Unis
Barres de Traction
Barres parallèle
Échelle horizontale / Wall Bars
Low Bars / Push Up Bars
Plates-formes de saut
Street Workout
Entraînement de plain aire
Musculation au poids de corps
Entrainement par suspension
Ninja Warrior
Évènements à venir
Produits recommandés
Tous les prix incluent les taxes de vente, ainsi que les frais de transport légalement déterminés. Sauf erreur ou omission.
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1 Commentaire
Justin Wong dit 5 ans avant
Equipment: Pretty darn solid equipment. They have pretty much everything you need. The pull-up bars are of a good height and material.
My complaint is with the parallel bars. They're a little too low to the ground and the gripping material is too wide and feels cheap.
Location: It's located in a beautiful park. The problem is this park is kind of hard to get to if you don't want to take the toll highway 73. Furthermore, the equipment is all the way at the end of the park. From what I could tell, it was only street parking, and it feels like a 5 min walk from the street to the end of the park.
Lastly, it was hard to find the entrance to this park. One of the entrances, in a cul-de sac is blocked off. The coordinates of the actual entrance is 33.585525, -117.744246