Лондон - уличных спорт площадка - Osterley Sports & Athletics Centre
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175 Academy Place, Osterley, Айлворт, TW7 5FE, Великобритания
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3 Комментарии
Ash Smith говорит 5 лет до
I went here's and it was locked up and the sport centre was open so I asked and it was only open if someone was using the running track, then added it was health and safety reasons, so I left it and went to the next nearest one
Calisthenics Parks Team говорит 8 лет до
Thanks for the info.
We set the spot to restricted and add the information to the description.
5Mack говорит 8 лет до
Park was padlocked when I visited :( I think it is only open when the nearby sports centre is open.