London - Calisthenics Park - Osterley Sports & Athletics Centre
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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion
Calisthenics Modul der Firma "The Great Outdoor Gym Company" mit vielen Geräten und Übungstation für das Eigengewichtstraining oder funktionelle Übungen. Das Gerüst steht nahe der Parkplätze und ist vielseitig nutzbar. Es gibt neben Klimmzugstangen und einer Hangelstrecke auch Geräte wie Dip Holme, eine vertikale Snake Bar und damit auch Mögliichkeiten für Pole Dancing.
Ash Smith (2019): I went here's and it was locked up and the sport centre was open so I asked and it was only open if someone was using the running track, then added it was health and safety reasons, so I left it and went to the next nearest one
3 Kommentare
Ash Smith sagt 5 Jahre zuvor
I went here's and it was locked up and the sport centre was open so I asked and it was only open if someone was using the running track, then added it was health and safety reasons, so I left it and went to the next nearest one
Calisthenics Parks Team sagt 8 Jahre zuvor
Thanks for the info.
We set the spot to restricted and add the information to the description.
5Mack sagt 8 Jahre zuvor
Park was padlocked when I visited :( I think it is only open when the nearby sports centre is open.