London - Outdoor-Fitnessspark - Boston Manor Park

Adresse Chiswick Flyover, Brentford, Brentford, TW8 9JU, Vereinigtes Königreich
Klimmzugstangen Hangelleitern Sprossenwände Trainingsbänke
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Eigengewichtsübungen Schlingentraining Ninja Warrior Poledancing Funktionelles Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Hindernisläufe Personal Fitness Training Kampfsport Klettern

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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion

London Outdoor-Fitnesspark in England. In der Nähe des Heathrow Airport nicht weit entfernt von der Piccadilly Line (U-Bahn) befindet sich der Boston Manor Park. Hier stehen Klimmzugstangen für Muscle Ups, Paralelbarren für Dips, Sprossenwand und eine Hangelleiter. Nebenan befindet sich ein Tennisplatz. Die Anlage eignet sich für Eigenkörpergewichtstraining wie: Calisthenics Workout, Street Workout, Bootcamp Workout, Freeletics (Gym), Parkour/Freerunning, Ninja Warrior Training und Bootcamp Training.

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Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst., zuzüglich Versandkosten. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

5 Kommentare

Ash Smith sagt 5 Jahre zuvor

This one's good parrallel bars, pull up bars other stuff as well which is all helpful had a good little workout between my run

Paul Böhme sagt 8 Jahre zuvor

I did spot this park in August 2016. The parallelbars are around the corner of the high bars, its about 10 feet south from the high bars behind the trees (next to the kids plaground area). Just check google maps there you see it ;)

98percentGorilla sagt 8 Jahre zuvor

The picture showing the parallel bars and other wooden stations is definitely not this park. None of that equipment here. The thing in the other picture that looks like a dipping station (green uprights and chrome bars) is actually for knee raises. The horizontal bars have pads on and there are upright grips on the ends. All of which prevents you from doing anything with it. There may be some purpose behind the odd arrangement of bars on the other side but I couldn't figure it out. Certainly not for dips anyways.
Don't know why councils have to make it all so complicated. All this equipment must cost a fortune but all you need is basic stuff that costs peanuts. If they stopped wasting money on this outdoor 'gym machine' style gear then every park in London could have pull-up bars and parallel bars. Madness.

Calisthenics Parks Team sagt 8 Jahre zuvor

Maybe they dismantled the equipment. Because on the pictures there is a parallal bar. Thanks for the update.

98percentGorilla sagt 8 Jahre zuvor

Although it says here that there are parallel bars there are in fact no parallel bars in this park. There are three heights of pull-up bars and a monkey bar setup plus some other outdoor gym type machines. Pity because it's a huge park area on an old bowling green and they could easily fit in more equipment. The bars on the pull-up station are very smooth stainless steel so extremely hard to get a decentt grip with unchalked bare hands. Recommend taking chalk or using gloves. A bit disappointing in general.

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