New York - Manhattan - Outdoor Exercise Parcours - Bloomingdale Playground
176 West 105th Street, Manhattan, New York, État de New York 10025, États-Unis
Barres de Traction
Barres parallèle
Monkey Bar
Échelle horizontale / Wall Bars
Low Bars / Push Up Bars
Devils Ladders
Street Workout
Entraînement de plain aire
Musculation au poids de corps
Entrainement par suspension
Ninja Warrior
Formation fonctionnelle
Bootcamp Workout
obstacle course
Formation Privée
Sport de combat
Escalade de rocher
Évènements à venir
Produits recommandés
Tous les prix incluent les taxes de vente, ainsi que les frais de transport légalement déterminés. Sauf erreur ou omission.
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3 Commentaires
Permanent_Wheelie dit 4 ans avant
There is still a calisthenics area at this spot, but it is much smaller than before, and it is now located right on the avenue, next to the bus stop. It has a high pull-up bar and a low one, a doubled set of parallel bars and an elliptical machine thingy for the calisthenically challenged. Definitely not as good as it was, but better than nothing!
Jay zee dit 4 ans avant
This park no longer has a calisthenics section
Permanent_Wheelie dit 6 ans avant
This top-notch workout area was recently demolished by Community Board 7. For more info: