Szeged - Parco Calisthenics - szabadtéri edzőeszközök
Seghedino, Provincia di Csongrád, Ungheria
Barras per trazioni
Parallel bar
Low bars
Esercizi a corpo libero
Sling Training / TRX
Formazione Ninja Warrior
Functional training
Parkour / Freerunning
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Allenamento personale
Sport da combattimento
Street Lifting
Prossimi eventi
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1 Commento
Thomas dice 7 anni prima
Very basic workout equipment next to some houses on the opposite side of the park. There are some really low bars and also a low monkey bar in combination with a pull up station. The bars of the stations als usable for basic pull ups but not perfect for calisthenics training.
There seems to be a local training group using the equipment on summer days.