Szeged - Parc Street Workout - szabadtéri edzőeszközök
Szeged, Csongrád, Hongrie
Barres de Traction
Barres parallèle
Low Bars / Push Up Bars
Street Workout
Entraînement de plain aire
Musculation au poids de corps
Entrainement par suspension
Ninja Warrior
Formation fonctionnelle
Bootcamp Workout
obstacle course
Formation Privée
Sport de combat
Escalade de rocher
Street Lifting
Évènements à venir
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1 Commentaire
Thomas dit 7 ans avant
Very basic workout equipment next to some houses on the opposite side of the park. There are some really low bars and also a low monkey bar in combination with a pull up station. The bars of the stations als usable for basic pull ups but not perfect for calisthenics training.
There seems to be a local training group using the equipment on summer days.