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Vienna, Austria


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Vienna is a hotspot in austrian bodyweight fitness scene. All over the city there are many outdoor gyms and calisthenics parks. One of the most famous is the calisthenics station at Donauinsel, but there are many more that are really good also for advanced athlets.

The calisthenics scene is very big and there are many meeting points in the city. There is also a big freeletics scene training group workouts with the fitness app.

There are also big events like the "Bodyweight Day" held by Barflex and including the national championship for calisthenics and street workout.

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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.

1 Comment

Calisthenics Parks Team says 7 years before

Am 13. Mai 2017 findet in Wien in der Marx Halle der Bodyweight Day 2017 statt. Auf diesen Event findet zeitgleich die österreichische Staatsmeisterschaft statt. Es wird aber auch eine Bouldershow, Pole Dance und viele weitere Events auf der Veranstaltung geben.

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