

  • 17363
  • 1694
  • 451
The european calisthenics and street workout scene is a young upcoming fitness culture in the urban areas of the continent. In eastern europe countries like poland, ukraine, estonia or russia there was already a big outdoor fitness community in the past. This is connected to a everywhere ability of simple metal outdoor fitness training parks on the playgrounds, most of the build in the sowjet era.
In the past years more and more modern calisthenics parks were build all over europe, so more ahtlets started to train with their own bodyweight. Countries like spain, germany, france or the netherlands are actually building a good infrastructrure for calisthenics workout and public fitness training.

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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.


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User banned says 10 months before


User banned says 10 months before


User banned says 10 months before


User banned says 10 months before


User banned says 10 months before


User banned says 10 months before


User banned says 10 months before


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User banned says 10 months before