Valley Ridge - Calisthenics Park - Fire Station

Address Fire Station 35 (Valley Ridge), 11280, Valley Ridge Boulevard NW, Valley Ridge, Calgary, Census Divsion No. 6, Alberta, T3L 2T4, Canada
Pull Up Bars Monkey Bars Push Up Bars Abs Benches Dip Handles Jump platforms
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Bodyweight Exercises Sling Trainer Workouts Ninja Warrior Poledancing Functional Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Obstacle Races Personal Fitness Training Martial Arts Climbing Street Lifting Gymnastics

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Summary of editorial

In the community of Valley Ridge which is just off the Trans Canada highway on the far west end of the city. Quick, easy access off the highway, just one right turn after the exit ramp and you're there.

Lots of parking in the strip mall that this park is behind. It's literally directly behind the car wash in the strip mall, at the edge of a big field, can't miss it.

A large bar structure, a good platform for assisted pistol squats, push up bars, hyperextenison/reverse crunch station.

This park has the only free, outdoor chin up bars that are high enough to allow for full range of motion without worrying about hitting the ground for any movements involving rotating or swinging, also you don't need to bend your knees on the down portion of a pull up to avoid your feet hitting the ground.

*Note: There are other free outdoor calisthenics parks in Calgary, but I'm just highlighting that fact that this is the only one with HIGH bars. The "high" bars at the other locations aren't really that high.

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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.


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