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Calisthenics and Street Workout have gained popularity in recent years and have become a popular form of training. Calisthenics is a training method primarily based on using one's own body weight. Street Workout refers to the execution of Calisthenics exercises outdoors, often in public places such as parks or playgrounds.

The fundamental idea behind Calisthenics and Street Workout is to develop strength, endurance, and flexibility through various bodyweight exercises. Instead of relying on machines or dumbbells, you simply use your own body weight as resistance. This allows Calisthenics to be practiced anywhere, anytime, without requiring much equipment or a gym.

The training encompasses a variety of exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, squats, and planks. These exercises can be performed alone or combined into more complex movements called "skills". Skills include exercises like muscle-ups, handstands, human flags, and backflips. The possibilities are nearly endless, offering a wide variety of challenges for all fitness levels.

Calisthenics and Street Workout offer numerous benefits. Firstly, the training enables a holistic development of physical strength, as it engages various muscle groups simultaneously. Additionally, it enhances coordination, flexibility, and body control. You learn to effectively move and stabilize your body.

Another advantage is that Calisthenics and Street Workout create a community of like-minded individuals. In many cities, there are now groups or associations where people meet to train together and improve their skills. This fosters the exchange of knowledge and experiences, as well as motivation and mutual support among participants.

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