New York (Bronx) - Outdoor Calisthenics Gym - Macombs Dam Park
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Summary of editorial
Outdoor gym with different exercise stations in classic NYC style. This workout area is the trainingground of the "Brotherhood" Workout Team from New York and a meeting point of this local scene. There is ecercise equipment for calisthenics and street workout like good pull up bars and much more stuff to train with your own bodyweight.
All you need to perform a calisthenics workout routine. Great view of the yankee stadium, doesn't get more new york than this.
Soulersize (2022): The listed address is for the skate park. Here's the closer location Macombs Dam Park (212) 639-9675
That A. Strength says 11 months before
You get to see the view of the yankee stadium. Iconic workout spot. What more could you ask for. 👍🏻
Soulersize says 2 years before
The listed address is for the skate park.
Here's the closer location
Macombs Dam Park
(212) 639-9675