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Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Pull Up Bars
Parallel Bar
Monkey Bars
Wall Bars
Push Up Bars
Dip Handles
Outdoor Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises
Sling Trainer Workouts
Ninja Warrior
Functional Training
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Personal Fitness Training
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Summary of editorial
Calisthenics gym in Ankara.
Dikmen Vadisi.
Bulmanız zor olursa güvenliklere tırmanma duvarlarını sorun. Hemen karşısında bu parkı göreceksiniz. Haritada işaretlediğim gibi park (noktasına noktasına doğru işaretlediğimi sanmıyorum), vadinin en üst kısımlarında yer alıyor.
Calisthenics Parks Team (2016): Thanks for the picture. We updated the spot with then new one.
Haluk Özgünaydın (2016): Can you please add this photo, too? Other 2 were old; I took this today. Thank you. - Linkteki parkın tamamlanmış hâlidir.
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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.
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Calisthenics Parks Team says 8 years before
Thanks for the picture. We updated the spot with then new one.
Haluk Özgünaydın says 8 years before
Can you please add this photo, too? Other 2 were old; I took this today. Thank you.
Linkteki parkın tamamlanmış hâlidir.