Colorado Springs - Calisthenics Gym - Memorial Park

Address 501 South Union Boulevard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910, United States
Pull Up Bars Monkey Bars Push Up Bars Pole Bars Balance Beams
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Bodyweight Exercises Sling Trainer Workouts Ninja Warrior Poledancing Functional Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Obstacle Races Personal Fitness Training Martial Arts Climbing

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Summary of editorial

All of the good equipment is spread out over 400 meters on a one mile track; perfect if you're not trying to avoid a little cardio in between sets. There is also a dip station approximately 800 meters from the playground. The playground bars are more than adequate for taller people. The playground also has vehicle poles for flags. A short distance is a pull up station consisting of 48" and 84" bars, which is great for muscle up progressions. You also have 36" stumps for box jumps and a 20" concrete block on the shore. There are even swinging benches and picnic tables if you want to get real creative with your push up workouts like I do.

Great view of the mountains as you workout by a lake. People are rather friendly during the day. Even though there is lighting, probably not the best place to be at in the middle of the night alone unless you wanted to add the fight or flight effect to your workout. You would truly be missing out if you didn't check it out for yourself, even the kids will enjoy it. Take my word for it or trust the other reviews online. The workout is only as good as you make it, and everything is here.

Calisthenics Parks Team (2016): Hi, we will change the infos. Thank you!

Augie (2016): Correction: this is Memorial Park, not Horace Shelby. Address: 1605 E Pikes Peak Ave Colorado Springs, CO 80910

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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.

1 Comment

Calisthenics Parks Team says 8 years before

Hi, we will change the infos. Thank you!

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