Calisthenics Park in Rosenhöhe
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Summary of editorial
This is the best calisthenics park in Offenbach (which is not saying a lot). The best thing is that it is not over-run with children (like the parkour park near Roland-Passage).
The park doesn't seem to be designed by someone who knows something about calisthenics, or the city didn't offer enough of a budget. There are no dip bars, no parallettes and no bars of varying height, apart from a single waist-height bar (which can be used for straight bar dips). Nearly all the bars are quite high, and I'm fairly tall. If you are short, you'll have to climb the ladder. The upside of the bars being too high is that this park will probably never have problems with too many children thinking it's a playground. One positive point is that there is an extra-high bar that would be perfect to hang rings from. There is also a large padded area beyond the bars that is good for practicing handstand.
Frankfurt has made some great cali parks in recent years. I hope Offenbach steps up and builds some more of these parks and first consults with some cali athletes. Cali Move are based in Leipzig. You'd think they could work with them...
1 Comment
Jimbeaux says 7 months before
I'm not sure how to edit this, but there are no parallel bars at this park.