Toronto - Calisthenics Geräte - Bellbury Park - Trekfit
48 Van Horne Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M2J 2W1, Kanada
Parallel Barren
Outdoor Fitness
Ninja Warrior
Funktionelles Training
Bootcamp Workout
Personal Fitness Training
Street Lifting
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Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst., zuzüglich Versandkosten. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.
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9 Kommentare
Calisthenics Parks Team sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
Sounds great. If they are fiinshed, just add them. So people will find them too.
Don Valley Calisthenics (DVC) sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
Great news - two more fitness parks in the area have been approved to be built!
Don Valley Calisthenics (DVC) sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
Damn, I just had a Fitness Meetup on the weekend. I'll be sure to post future events asap! Thanks again for the fantastic website upgrades!
Anton Fa sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
@Calisthenics Parks Team Cool, exciting!
Calisthenics Parks Team sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
@Don Valley Fitness Park:
Great news. We will soon also have an option to post events on spot. Should be great for events like this. Have fun.
Don Valley Calisthenics (DVC) sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
Fitness competition on Saturday Aug 26, 2017 at 2pm! Overall total of max reps pull-ups, dips, squats and push-ups. Free to join, all are welcome! RSVP at
Don Valley Calisthenics (DVC) sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
Hi Everyone! There will be an official fitness park celebration on Sunday May 28, 2017, 11am to 12pm. Hope to see you all there!
Calisthenics Parks Team sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
@Lillian: Have fun and enjoy training at the spot . We hope there will be build much more in the next years.
Lillian Rowlatt sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
So excited to have this open up near my home. Brand new equipment and a great set up.