Austin - Outdoor-Fitness-Anlage - Sanchez School Park

Adresse 1115 Holly Street, Austin, Texas 78702, Vereinigte Staaten
Klimmzugstangen Parallel Barren Hangelleitern Sprossenwände Push-Up-Bars
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Eigengewichtsübungen Schlingentraining Ninja Warrior Poledancing Funktionelles Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Hindernisläufe Personal Fitness Training Kampfsport Klettern Street Lifting Turnen

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Austin - Outdoor-Fitnesspark - Sanchez School Park

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Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst., zuzüglich Versandkosten. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

1 Kommentar

Justin Wong sagt 4 Jahre zuvor

I liked this spot. It’s small, but it has all the essential equipment. There were two pull-up bars of different heights (good height for straight bar dips and pull-ups), parallel bars, push-up bars, and monkey bars.
The equipment was pretty high quality with good grips.
My only complaint is that none of the bars were at a good height for body-weight rows as the parallel bars are pretty high-up.
Not much shade so plan accordingly.

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