Port Angeles - Calisthenics Park - Erickson Playfield
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Summary of editorial
Amazing place! Shotout to Jesse Banks for getting this place built. Convenient location to bus line, ymca across the street, tennis courts, playground, bathrooms, play field, AND they have everything you need equipment wise. There is also a covered shelter area you can utilize for situps, pushups, non bar exercises to minimize your exposure to the elements on those days when it's raining really hard. It's like 20 second walk from the bars so can segue smoothly from pullups to rest of your routine smoothly without getting totally soaked. People of all abilities utilize this place from beginners who still need band assist to do a chinup all the way on up to those capable of muscleups and human flags.
Joseph Bell (2018): It used my current location for the park. The park is not at deer park lane it is located at 4th street and Francis street.
Calisthenics Parks Team (2018): Thanks for the info. We changed it.
Calisthenics Parks Team says 7 years before
Thanks for the info. We changed it.
Joseph Bell says 7 years before
It used my current location for the park. The park is not at deer park lane it is located at 4th street and Francis street.