Calisthenics Park Amsterdam Nieuwendam


Adresse Nieuwendammerdijk 532a, 1023 Amsterdam, Niederlande
Klimmzugstangen Parallel Barren Push-Up-Bars
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Eigengewichtsübungen Schlingentraining Ninja Warrior Poledancing Funktionelles Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Hindernisläufe Crossfit Personal Fitness Training Kampfsport Klettern Street Lifting Turnen Aerial Sports Handbalancing

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Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst., zuzüglich Versandkosten. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

5 Kommentare

Ruby Amusah sagt 2 Jahre zuvor

This is the greatest park in the Amsterdam Area. The park is beautiful and the location gives you and urban outdoor vibe.
Next to the outdoor bars you can use various equipment from barbells to dumbells, bands and t-Rex. The trainers are very passionate and have great expertise! When you are in for a full body workout! This is your place!

Marlon sagt 2 Jahre zuvor

One of the best gym’s of Amsterdam if you are into Calisthenics. I have been to many of their classes and had personal training with Wesley himself. The classes are always very playful yet effective training wise. Would recommend anybody who wants to get fit, lean and strong in a holistic way to go and experience training with them.

Thomas sagt 4 Jahre zuvor

Great calisthenics gym. Need to visit it one day.

Wesley Kalkhoven sagt 4 Jahre zuvor

At Calisthenics Amsterdam, we focus on mobility and training with our own body weight. Strongly similar to gymnastics, but with its own raw and urban touch. As it is easily adapted to each and everyone’s level, training is open for everyone to join and have fun!

Ruuba_Barstarzz sagt 5 Jahre zuvor

Great spot, you stay dry if it rains

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