Clermont-Ferrand - Workout Park - Stade Philippes Marcombes
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Clermont-Ferrand workout spot in france. Outdoor gym located in the stadion called "Stade Philippes Marcombes". Selfmade bars witch bulid a big structure on which you can perfom pull ups, muscle ups, dips and a lot more of bodyweight movements. On the stadion areal is a second workout spot with monkeybar and high bars. A calisthencis spot made for parkour, freeletics, street workout, outdoor fitness, bodyweight exercises and bootcamp training.
21 Rue De Cotepet, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
1 Comment
Juan Fernández says 7 years before
Le spot parfait pour perdre du temps, les seules deux barres qui tiennent sont impec pour les regarder.