Delbrück - Calisthenics & Street Workout Park - Playparc
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Calisthenics Park in Delbrück build by german manufacturer Playparc. This exercise station from series 4FCircle includes pull up bars, parallel bars, a swedish wall, monkey bar and also an devils ladder. This workout spot ist a great choice for barstazz training, street workout, street fitness, freeletics and any other bodyweight exercise based outdoor activity.
Viopoint says 7 years before
Wir von CALI16 treffen uns öfters hier zum gemeinsamen Workout (Sets'n'Reps, Street Lifting, Calisthenics).
Mehr Infos dazu über unsere Facebookseite oder Website.
Viper says 8 years before
Hier findet dienstags von 18-20 Uhr offenes Training statt, ebenso donnerstags von 18:30-20:30 Uhr, zum Teil auch sonntags ab 10:00 Uhr! Für mehr Informationen: