80 Chemin Lannedarre, 65100 Lourdes, France
Pull Up Bars
Parallel Bar
Wall Bars
Abs Benches
Outdoor Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises
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Ninja Warrior
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Summary of editorial
Lourdes street workout park in the southwest of france. In Lourdes you find a calsithenics park installed by the french company which is named Husson. Located near the "PALAIS DES SPORTS FRANÇOIS ABADIE" you find a outdoor gym with high bars, parallel bars, pull up bars, swedish wall bar and a incline bench for core workout. The street workout park Lourdes is a good match with the following outdoor sports: freeletics, parkour, outdoor fitness, crossfit workouts and bodyweight exercises of all kinds.
47 Chemin De Lannedarré, 65100 Lourdes, France
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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.
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linard says 7 years before
Équipement laissé à l'abandon, pas de point d'eau et pour finir le sol est jonché de déjection canine. À éviter.