Carcassonne - Outdoor Gym - Exercise Gym
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Carcassonne outdoor gym in southern France. Little calisthenics park in the city of 50.000. The bars are designed by the french company named Husson. Next to a kds playground you have some kind of a monkeybar, incline bench (ab bench) for core workout and a parallel bar for push workout. Made for athletes of calisthenics workout, street workout, freeletics, bootcamp workout, bodyweight exercises, parkour strength training and all other outdoor fitness sports.
9031 Route De La Cavayère, 11000 Carcassonne, France
1 Comment
hazraael says 3 years before
Pour information, ce parc est désormais inexistant, il a été démonté il y a peu car il était cassé et n'a toujours pas été remplacé à ce jour.