Brandenburg an der Havel - Outdoor Pull Up Bars - Marienberg
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Brandenburg an der Havel outdoor pull up bars in Germany. Exercise station located at the BUGA areal Marienberg just a few meters away from the "Friedenswarte" memorial. It isnt a calisthenics park but still 3 pull up bars in different heights, which can be used for all kinds of outdoor sports. The workout spot has a great view into to city. Made for all sorts of different outdoor fitness sports like freeletics, bootcamp workout, parkour strength workout, calisthenics workout, street workout and bodyweight workout.
19Thomas79 (2019): Finally found but field is on the other side of the sidewalk. Cca 200m.
BAR-CODE says 1 month before
Top für Calisthenics. Minimalistisch, stabil, entspannte Umgebung.
19Thomas79 says 5 years before
Finally found but field is on the other side of the sidewalk. Cca 200m.