Rummu Tee 7a, Tallinn, Estonia
Parallel Bar
Monkey Bars
Wall Bars
Push Up Bars
Abs Benches
Pole Bars
Devils Ladders
Outdoor Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises
Sling Trainer Workouts
Ninja Warrior
Functional Training
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Personal Fitness Training
Martial Arts
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Summary of editorial
Tallinn Calisthenics Park in Estonia. Located at the Pirita suburb you have a a outdoor gym which can be used for all kinds of bodyweight workouts. This street workout park has high bars for muscle ups, pull up bars, low bars for handstand/planche work, parallel bars, devilsladder, poledance bar, swedish wall bar and a monkeybar. Meeting point for athletes which follow street workout, bootcamp workout, parkour strength training ninja warrior workout, bodyweight exercises, calisthenics workout and freeletics training.
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