Dordrecht - Workout Spot Netherlands - Lappset
Overkampweg 261, 3319 Dordrecht, Netherlands
Pull Up Bars
Monkey Bars
Wall Bars
Outdoor Fitness
Outdoor Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises (BWE) / Bodyweight Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises (BWE) / Bodyweight Fitness
Sling Trainer Workouts
Sling Trainer Workouts
Ninja Warrior
Ninja Warrior
Functional Training
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Obstacle Races
Personal Fitness Training
Personal Fitness Training
Upcoming events
Summary of editorial
If you wanna join a training session with the locals get in contact with Jason Calisthenics from the Calisthenics Project. He organzies events and training sessions in both calisthenics parks in Dordrecht.
Recommended products
All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.
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