Szolnok - Street Workout Park - Tulip Workoutpark
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This is the newest of the four spots in the city. It was built in 2016. The park is called Tulip Workoutpark. The park has two movable places for sit-ups, 3 bars which is low enough to do australian pull-ups or to practice the dragon flag, also there are 3 parallel bars, 2 of the parallel bars are movable, perfect for dips. The park has rings and 2 ropes, and two spots where you can do skull crushers or practice the human flag, and there is a plate where you can do box jumps. There are 4 simple pull-up bars and 2 special with some fancy grips, and a horizontal ladder too. Finally, there is a place where you can do explosive pull-ups to try to reach as high as you can.