Southampton - Outdoor Fitnessstudio - Southampton Common

Adresse Coronation Avenue South, Banister Park, Southampton, Südostengland, England, SO14, Vereinigtes Königreich
Klimmzugstangen Parallel Barren Hangelleitern
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Eigengewichtsübungen Schlingentraining Ninja Warrior Poledancing Funktionelles Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Hindernisläufe Personal Fitness Training Kampfsport Klettern Street Lifting Turnen

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Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst., zuzüglich Versandkosten. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

6 Kommentare

Sven B sagt 1 Jahr zuvor

We still here, this calisthenics park still sucks bit we still training! If not find us every night at Bouldershack indoor at the back there's a decent set up

Sven B sagt 3 Jahre zuvor

Instagram @bars.streetworkout we are building a new park here in Southampton and also a new team. DM on Instagram and we will update you and organise workouts

Sven B sagt 3 Jahre zuvor

I'm currently training here, but have been speaking back and forth with council to get new bars installed for freestyle swing tricks. Like 360s, 540s and large swings

Pedro97 sagt 4 Jahre zuvor

Common area outdoor gym group:

Damien Robins sagt 4 Jahre zuvor

I would assume that would be down to council to maintain. Hopefully it's been fixed and all is good there. Going to start going to train there as change of scenery from back garden

Bart K sagt 5 Jahre zuvor

Sadly, the pull up bars located in Southampton Common appear to be broken. Does anyone know who's owning that? Is that the council? I suppose there is a way to get them fixed.

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