potecă, Sanpetru, Sânpetru, Brașov, 507190, Romania
Pull Up Bars
Parallel Bar
Monkey Bars
Wall Bars
Outdoor Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises (BWE) / Bodyweight Fitness
Sling Trainer Workouts
Ninja Warrior
Functional Training
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Personal Fitness Training
Martial Arts
Street Lifting
Upcoming events
Summary of editorial
Nice spot, with a lake, a parking place and a bar!
Free entry.
Summary of editorial
Street workout spot, located in the small park across the "Mircea Cristea" technical college, on 3 Turnului street.
Available frames:
- joint use pull-up bar
- parallel bar station
- monkey bars (short)
- (swedish) wall-bars
- bench
The ground is covered with grass.
Merom Ish (2018): Please edit the description, cut the summary ... Its a wrong copy/paste.
Recommended products
All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.
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1 Comment
Merom Ish says 6 years before
Please edit the description, cut the summary ... Its a wrong copy/paste.