San Diego - Outdoor Fitness Park - Fiesta Island Park
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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion
Outdoor Fitness Park und Calisthenics Anlage in San Diego (Kalifornien) aus Metall mit einigen Elementen verbaut in einem großen Modul. Das Outdoor Gym Modul verfügt über Klimmzugstangen, Parallel Barren, einer Monkeybar und auch Pole Bars. Der Spot hat damit alle wichtigen fürs Street Workout Training benötigten Geräten. Auch für Calisthenics Workouts und Freeletics Trainings ist der Spot sehr gut geeignet. Die Polebar ermöglicht zu dem Pole Dance Training.
1 Kommentar
Justin Wong sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
I think this spot is over-rated.
Equipment: It has everything you need. Maybe too much- some of the equipment I'm not even sure what it is for.
The main problem is the material. The bars are too thick and the heights are sometimes too high.
Location: In Mission Bay, so obviously quite beautiful. The area can be a bit too crowded though, especially on weekends.
Community: Can imagine that if you're somebody that wants to be involved in the bar community, this would be where it's at.