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Brandenburg an der Havel – Calisthenics Park - Krugpark
Zum Krugpark 10, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
Pull Up Bars
Parallel Bar
Abs Benches
Outdoor Fitness
Bodyweight Exercises
Sling Trainer Workouts
Ninja Warrior
Functional Training
Bootcamp Workout
Obstacle Races
Personal Fitness Training
Upcoming events
Summary of editorial
Calisthenics park for street workout training. The outdoor gym helds pull up bars, parallel bars, monkeyladder and sit up benches. Location looks a lot like a fitness trail. Perfect spot for outdoor-fitness-workout like bodyweight training.
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All prices including the legally determined sales tax, plus shipping charges. Errors and omissions excepted.
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BAR-CODE says 1 month before
Zwei gute Plätze. Zum einen mit Klimmzugstangen und zum anderen mit Dipbarren und diversen Holzaufbauten. Dipbarren haben leider einen recht großen Abstand.
Tolle Location.