Athen - Outdoor Fitnessstudio - Panathenaic Stadium


Adresse Πλατεία Σταδίου, Άγιος Αρτέμιος, Athen, Δήμος Αθηναίων, Regionalbezirk Athen-Zentrum, Region Attika, Attika, 10562, Griechenland
Klimmzugstangen Parallel Barren Trainingsbänke Turnring Stationen Seilkletter Stationen
Calisthenics Outdoor Fitness Eigengewichtsübungen Schlingentraining Ninja Warrior Poledancing Funktionelles Training Parkour Bootcamp Workout Hindernisläufe Personal Fitness Training Kampfsport Klettern Street Lifting Turnen

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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion

Behind the Olympic stadium of Athens, there is a workout circuit with a pull up bar, parallel bar, rings, ab bench and a rope. To enter the park use the green entrance at the Archimedous street.

How to get there + extra information:

Go behind the Olympic stadium of Athens ("Panathenaic Stadium"), to enter the park use the green entrance at the Archimedous street. Don't try to cut the way because you would not be able to.

There is a pull up bar + another pull up bar (lower one, left of the pull up bar) for Australian pull ups or bar dips or whatever you want ;) + inclined push up bar (right of the pull up bar) + parallel bar.

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Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher Mwst., zuzüglich Versandkosten. Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten.

1 Kommentar

Thomas sagt 1 Jahr zuvor

Nice little spot at the high ground of the stadium. The pull up bar was renewed and the parallel bar is not far away. Nice spot for calisthenics workouts.

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