New York City - Outdoor-Fitnessstudio - John Jay Park
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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion
Kleiner Outdoor Fitness Park im John Jay Park in New York City mit Parallel Barren und Klimmzugstange. Dieses Outdoor Gym ist gut für Calisthenics, Street Workout, Outdoor Fitness, Freeletics oder Bodyweight Exercies. Der Park liegt in direkter Nähe des Sportfeldes des Parks. Dieser Trainingspark liegt in der direkte Nähe der 77th / 78th East Street.
2 Kommentare
Steven Fernandez sagt 3 Jahre zuvor
Park is nice. Mad people. View of river when working out. Parallel bars. Monkey Bars. You cant really ask for more.
Yoked Apparel sagt 5 Jahre zuvor
We go to every outdoor gyms of NYC and we just went to John Jay Park. This is a great spot for bodyweight exercise (calisthenics). If you want to see what it looks like, here is a blog post with video of the outdoor gym at John Jay Park:
The park is clean, lively with the neighborhood kids and has great views of the east river and Queens.