San Diego - Klimmzugstangen - Torry Highlands Park
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San Diego Workout Spot am Torry Highlands Park. Diese Klimmzugmöglichkeit ist optimal für das Pull-Training da hier auf kleinstem Raum sehr viele hohe Reckstangen montiert sind. Die Location ist daher auch optimal für das Parkour Training oder Freestyle Calisthenics. Guter Basis Spot für Freeletics, Calisthenics und Street Workout aber auch Outdoor Fitness Bootcamps.
1 Kommentar
Justin Wong sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
Equipment: It's a big workout area, but personally, most of the equipment is more for obstacle running i.e logs.
In terms of bars, there are only pull-up bars.
The pull-up bars were of decent quality.
Location: It's a 5 min walk from the high school parking to the workout area. There are a few stairs along the way.
Kind of hard to find the area on your first time. It's located around these coordinates: 32.957410, -117.224068
One thing that has bitten me in the ass is the fact there aren't any bathrooms except for some porta-pottys in a football field far away.