Heerlen - Street Workout Park - Station de Kissel
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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion
Street Workout Park in Heerlen (Niederlande). Outdoor-Fitness-Anlage von Barmania.Pro für Parkour, Calisthenics, Street Workout, Freeletics und Bodyweight Training. Schöner hoher Barren, Sprossenwand, Monkeyladder/Hangelleiter (Schlangenform), Klimmzugstangen und Low bars. Calisthenics Park Heerlen.
Adresse fürs Navi : Glas mij-Weg, 6415 Heerlen, Niederlande
Thomas (2015): Small Barmania.Pro Workout Park with all important elements. Located in a local park next to the main station this is a great place for training. Really enjoyed training at this spot.
Mijnspoorweg, De Erk, Heerlen, Parkstadt Limburg, Limburg, Niederlande, 6416AG, Niederlande
1 Kommentar
Thomas sagt 9 Jahre zuvor
Small Barmania.Pro Workout Park with all important elements. Located in a local park next to the main station this is a great place for training. Really enjoyed training at this spot.