Tokio - Outdoor Fitness - Hibya Park
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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion
Tokio Calisthenics Park im Stadtzentrum. Im Hibya Park nahe des Kaiserpalastes befindet sich ein Outdoor-Fitnessstudio für sportliche Betätigung unter freiem Himmel. Hier gibt es Turnringe aus Metal und diverse Klimmzugstangen in unterschiedlichen Höhen (höchste ca.1,80m-2m). Dabei lassen sich hervorragend Übungen wie Muscle Ups, Bar Dips und Lever ausführen. Geeignet für Athleten die Calisthenics Workout, Street Workout, Parkour Krafttraining, Bootcamp Workout, Ninja Warrior Training und Eigenkörpergewichtstraining (Bodyweight) folgen.
4 Kommentare
shigazaru sagt 1 Jahr zuvor
Greatest place that I know. Multiple high bars, and gym rings. Often people around to help. I met a group of people that goes every Sunday. Many people goes there to train.
We need more park like this in Tokyo
Paulo Rego sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
It’s a good park with all the needed basics
Matteo Victor Carney sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
Sugoy! The rings are great and at a higher height to make it harder for those wanting to do dips. Lots of pull up bars for a greater capacity and a local street workout group goes there, who are opening to foreigners :)
Only criticism is the dip bars are in a childs playground for some reason, and the monkey bars are 200m away in a regular outdoor gym.. Some decent parallel bars and an ab bench would really help this space.
oliverhat sagt 7 Jahre zuvor
There was also a curved horizontal bar attached at about waist high to a pull up bar that was excellent for dips!