Stuttgart -Parkour Park - Gottlieb-Daimler-Gymnasium
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Zusammenfassung der Redaktion
Die Parkour Anlage ist direkt neben dem Gottlieb-Daimler-Gymnasium beheimatet. Es gibt einige Stangen die zu einem gepflegten Klimmzug-,Muscle-up Workout einladen. Sowie diverse Low-bars, leider kein Barren. Gebaut von X-Move.
Achtung es handelt um eine Parkour Anlage, also achtet beim Training darauf das ihr den Traceuren genügend Freiraum lasst. ;)
3 Kommentare
Timthe7percentman sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
So here is the thing : the Park is inside a school, but that doesn't matter! It has "official" opperating hours something from 16-19 o clock. But I talked to some guys and they told me that it's no problem to train until very late.
The housekeeper might kick you out but that's it!
Its a good small park with parkour stuff and bars!
And of course it's free!
Calisthenics Parks Team sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
HI Jennsal,
this place not. But its a school so its better to use it in the afternoon or evening.
JennSal Fitness sagt 6 Jahre zuvor
Do these places have a charge for using them?