Alex M.

Alex M. 50 Local guide

- 49 Years Young
- 8-pack 365

- Parkour, Calisthenics, Animal Flow, Méthode Naturelle
- Painless gains

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner:
- Mediterranean Diet
- No supplements
- No pills
- No powders
- No syringes (you know: gear, roids, juice, bumba...)
- No fad-diets (vegan, carnivore, paleo/primal, whole30, h3rbal1fe, flexitarian or any other highly marketed scam)

- All I need is a gravity field to defy
- No smartphone (I myself am smart enough)
- No smartwatches (it's me who decides what time it is)

Currently busy maintaining the obscene level of health and fitness I achieved by guessing everything right both in training and nutrition.
